staff introduction


Michael Frederik Kubo

Full-time Instructor/文学硕士和TESOL
主要担当领域【学部】 English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Global Issues, Media Empowerment, Business English, TOEFL/TOEIC


San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California: Bachelor of Arts, Industrial Arts Columbia University Teachers College, Tokyo Campus: Master of Arts, TESOL


Learner Self-Confidence/Motivation to study English


Hello, my name is Mike Kubo. Let me tell you about our zemi . Do you like English? Are you interested in Media Making? If you like English and media, I think you will like our zemi. The world is changing fast. Japan is changing fast, too. In your future you will need English skills. Our zemi is a great chance for you to use and improve your English, naturally, and to make media.


Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT),Yokohama, Columbia University Alumni Association Japan (CUAAJ),Tokyo, Teachers College Alumni Association, New York, TESOL Arabia, Dubai UAE