staff introduction

北原 克宣

Katsunobu Kitahara

Title Professor/Doctor of Agriculture
Main area/Main classes【Undergraduate】 Basics of Marxian Economics and Agricultural Economics
Main area/Main classes【Postgraduate】 Special Topics on Agricultural Environment System
Special Research on Agricultural Environment System

Career summary

Born February 1967 in Nagano Prefecture.y
In March 1989, Graduated from the Faculty of Agricultural Economics, Tokyo University of Agriculture
In March 1995, Completed the doctoral programme at the Research Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
In October 1995, Lecturer at Akita Prefectural College of agriculture
In April 2001, Assistant Professor at Akita Prefectural College of agriculture
(September 2001–March 2002, Visiting Researcher at the University of Birmingham, UK)
In April 2004, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at Rissho University
April 2010–present.

Current research theme

① Land ownership and housing problem in modern Japanese society
②Political economy analysis on Agricultural cooperative


The theme of this seminar is ‘What is real affluence?’. This requires students to go out and learn rather than fantasising reality at their desks. Since 2013, we have participated in rice cultivation as a member of the NPO ‘Future Network for Agriculture’ (i.e. ‘Rice Cultivation Squad’). Since 2014, we have interacted with students from Musashi and Rikkyo universities at a rice farm in Higashikurume City(i.e. ‘Rice Farm Club’). Through these activities, students practically learn mechanisms of economy and the society.
I have taught ‘modern food systems’ for the past few years. Last year, we used ‘Farmageddon’, a book by Philip Lymbery et al., Nikkei BP, 2015, as reference. This year, we shall learn about various problems involved with food additives while reading books such as ‘Behind the Food’ (Toyo Keizai, Inc.) by Tsukasa Abe.
Link to ‘Let’s look at the seminar!’

Affiliated academic society

Political Economy & Economic History Society
Japan Society of Political Economy
The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan
The Farm Management Society of Japan
The Japanese Society for Cooperative Studies (among others)